WORSHIP SERVICE – The regular weekly worship service is at 9am each Sunday.
Bible Study Course: This is currently in recess. [A new bible study course began on the 27th of September 2023. The course will be held in the church and run each Wednesday evening commencing at 6.30 pm for 10 weeks. The study is based on the New Testament – Thessalonians 1 and 2 and ‘Living in the End Times’ by John Scott. Please email the church at for more information.]
Prayer Group: meets in the church – each Wednesday at 8.30 am, and at 7 pm on the first Sunday each month.
Thrift Shop – The shop is currently open from 9 am to 1 pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Please note: The regular opening dates are Monday to Wednesday from 9 am to 1 pm (incl.) and from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm on the first and third Saturdays of each month
Play Group is from 9:30 to 11 am (each Thursday) in the Ministry Centre.
— Tuesdays in our Ministry Centre Hall —
Our friendship group welcomes anyone who would like to have a cuppa and a chat in our air-conditioned Hall beside our Thrift Shop. The group meets at from 9am each Tuesday.
Morning tea is served between 10am and 10:30am, however tea and coffee are available at any time.
Games mornings will be run e.g. a game of scrabble, jigsaws, etc or a quiz morning with a prize for the winner. Group outings are also arranged from time to time.
ALL WELCOMEAll welcome
Gardening 7:00am Tuesdays – the ‘Gnomes‘ spend the morning working in the gardens and around the grounds. If you would like to help the ‘Gnomes‘ or become a new ‘Gnome‘, please contact the church for more information or simply turn up on a Tuesday morning (except when it is pouring rain).
For more information, phone the church office 3390 4240 or email